
Helping you profit from your trading.

We review forex and stock trading systems, putting them through live trials here on the site.

Every service we look at is subjected to an in-depth review. Unlike some other sites, we actually test all these services out for ourselves. We record the exact results achieved during our live trials in full, so you can see for yourself what works and what doesn’t.

Please click here for a full list of services that have passed a trial here on the site.

And click here to see all our ongoing reviews.

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At Trade Stocks and Forex we scour the internet to find you the very best trading systems. We look at everything from forex signals, to stock tips, commodity trading and more – basically any trading system that could potentially make you some money!

Our aim is to identify the systems that work and those that don’t so that you don’t waste your money on rubbish that doesn’t make a profit. There are literally hundreds of trading strategies out there, but the vast majority of them don’t work and will only end up losing you money. Plus you may have shelled out hundreds of pounds on the cost of a subscription as well, meaning you could be significantly out of pocket by the end of it all – not to mention disillusioned and frustrated.

This is an unacceptable situation. Too many systems are allowed to publish bogus results or make up profit figures that are simply unobtainable. There is no regulation of these sites and they can get away with it.

That is where we come in however. We look at these systems, test them out ourselves in live trials and record all the results here on the site. So before signing up to a new system and risking your own hard-earned cash on it, you can check out our reviews and see if it is worth it.


At the same time as exposing the scams and the systems that don’t work, we want to find the best systems out there. Amongst all the dodgy sites and misleading results, there are some hidden gems and profitable trading strategies out there. These are the sites that have proved over a long period that they have an edge over the market and can deliver long-term profits.

So whether you want to trade the foreign exchange markets, the FTSE, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, individual companies like Apple, Facebook and Google or commodities like gold and oil, you have come to the right place. We investigate systems that trade all of those various instruments – and more!


In addition to testing our trading systems and strategies, we want to help you get an edge on the market with up-to-date news on the markets, views from industry experts and crucial information on big companies.

At the same time, we want to help you by busting some of the jargon that goes with trading. One of the most off-putting things for people new to trading is the incredible amount of jargon and confusing terminology that surrounds the sector. So if you don’t know your P/E ratios from your Bollinger Bands, we are here to explain these terms in plain English that you can understand, because trading should be for everyone, not just a lucky few who have taken an in-depth course on understanding all its myriad terms!

To assist you with getting the best value on your trades, we also have a list of brokers you can use for your trading, together with details of their trading terms and any special offers they may have.

Trade Stocks and Forex aims to provide you with the best help we can in your trading journey. Enjoy the site!