zulu trade

Posted by & filed under Forex reviews.

We have reached the end of our four month trial of copying the trader “Chunyffs333” on Zulu Trade and here are the final results:-


Profit/loss:  $58 profit 
Trade Success Rate:  82%
Bank Growth:  12%
Cost: $30 per month for copy trading + 25% of profits  
Average number of trades:  2 per week
Rating: 3.5 out of 5.0 stars


You can view full results here.


Zulu Trade – Full Review


Zulu Trade is a copy-trading platform that allows you to follow the trades of other traders automatically on your brokerage account.

We tested the platform in demo mode firstly for a few months and then in live mode for four months.

During the demo phase we followed six traders, then for the live testing we followed one trader, nicknamed “Chunyffs333,” for four months.

Whilst following in demo mode is fairly simple, in live mode you need to connect a trading account with one of Zulutrade’s compatible brokers. At the time of writing these brokers are:

  • FXCM
  • AAA FX
  • Swiss Quote
  • IC Markets
  • Tick Mill
  • Ava Trade
  • Think Markets
  • Lirunex

We used FXCM for the purposes of this review as it didn’t require setting up and running an additional MT4 account, it just placed the trades automatically on our FXCM account.

To get set up you have to connect your brokerage account to Zulu Trade, fill out an application form, deposit funds and then you are good to go.

Once we were set up, it all ran very smoothly during our trial and trades were placed as expected. The Zulu Trade platform itself is very intuitive and user-friendly. You can sort through dozens of traders based on their records and see their full trading histories, which is a positive aspect of the service not present in all copy-trading platforms.

It would be nice if you could execute the copy-trading directly on Zulu Trade as you can on Etoro and Naga for example rather than having to connect a brokerage account, but perhaps that’s a feature they will add in the future.

One aspect we do like about Zulu Trade is the risk settings, which allow you to choose your level of risk on a scale of “very conservative” to “very aggressive” with a simulation of what that would have produced based on past results. The moderate settings we used seemed reasonable and we feel did not expose us to undue risk.

Copy Trader Results

In terms of the trader we chose to copy, “Chunnyffs333” we chose to follow them because of their very consistent long-term record which didn’t have some of the wild swings of some other traders:-

They had made over 6,800 pips prior to trial starting with a success rate of 80% on their trades, adding up to the kind of profile we were looking for.

During our trial they performed solidly too, making $58 profit from a starting bank of $500.

The trade success rate was high, at 82% for our trial.

The only problem we had was that trading at this level, the fees we had to pay more than wiped out the gains we made from the copy-trading.

The fees are $30 per month (fixed) for using the Zulu Trade copy platform, then you pay 25% of whatever profit the trader makes for a given period (in this case monthly).

So we ended up paying $150 in fees, which more than wiped out the $58 profit we made from copying the trader and actually left us $92 down.

A significant problem with a number of these copy-trading platforms is the way they structure the profit-sharing, such that it can end up costing you money even if the trader has made a profit on their trading.

This is because if for example they have one month where they make you $100 profit, you then pay $25 in commission, then if the next month they lose $95, you don’t get that $25 commission back. You are then $20 down overall, even though the trader themselves has made a profit.

Leaving this aside though, as we say at the level we were trading at it just wasn’t worth it in terms of fees.

If say you had a $5,000 starting bank instead of the $500 we used however, you would have made around $580 profit, which would have covered the fees and left you with some profit at the end.

In summary then we are happy to award both the Zulu Trade platform and the trader Chunnyffs a PASSED rating, but with the proviso that you need large enough starting capital to make it worthwhile once fees are taken into account.


Service Breakdown

Ease of use: As described above, it is a little complicated to get everything set up and your trading account with a compatible broker connected, but once that is done it all just runs automatically and it’s just a question of checking the results.

Transparency of results: Excellent – full results for all the traders you can copy are provided on the Zulu Trade website so you can see exactly how well they have done in the long term. You can download CVS files of the trades made on your account too when you are on live trading mode.

Did our results match those on their website? Yes, all trades were executed as they should have been on our FXCM account.

Trade success rate: The trade success rate for the trial was 82% which is very good and slightly above the trader’s long-term average of 80%.

Subscription costs: The fees for using Zulu Trade’s copy-trading platform at the time of writing are $30 per month, plus a profit-sharing fee with the trader you are copying. For the trader we were copying it was 25%.


OVERALL VERDICT: PASSED 3.5 out of 5.0 stars

We used Zulu Trade’s copy-trading feature to follow a trader known as “Chunnyffs333” for a period of four months.

We generally found Zulu Trade a very user-friendly and accessible platform, although at the moment you can’t copy-trade directly on the platform and have to connect a compatible brokerage account. We used FXCM for the purposes of this trial.

The trader we followed performed solidly, notching up $58 profit in four months from a $500 starting bank. However, during that period we had to pay $150 in fees, which more than wiped out our profits. So to cover all the fees involved you will need a substantially larger starting bank.

With that proviso though we are happy to award Zulu Trade itself a PASSED rating as a good copy-trading platform, plus the trader themselves for showing a solid profit during our trial.





Zulu Trade – Results Update

7th April 2021

It’s been somewhat of a tough time for the trader we are following on Zulu Trade lately, with a loss of $52 made since our last update.

That leaves them just $10 up for our trial overall.

You can view full results here.

At these levels you have to question whether it is worth following because you have to pay fees to Zulu Trade for using the platform, which is $30 per month and then a profit sharing fee with the trader, which is 25%.

So even though we have only made $10 profit on the trades so far, we have paid $180 in fees. Therefore you really need to have a larger starting capital and be using larger lot sizes (keeping the same proportional risk) to make it worthwhile.




Zulu Trade – Results Update

17th March 2021

A small dip for the trader we are following on Zulu Trade, with a loss of $20 made since our last update.

However they are still $62 up for our trial overall.

You can view full results here.

As you can see from the results they like to trade on the EUR/USD pair a lot and that has made up most of their trades to date.

Anyway, hopefully we will see some positive momentum from the trader by the time of our next update.




Zulu Trade – Results Update

25th February 2021

We remarked last time that we were concerned the one open trade we had with the trader we are copying on Zulu Trade could wipe out all the profit made previously.

Well fortunately that didn’t happen, although the trade in question did end up being closed for a loss of $48. They have bounced back nicely since then however and actually just $9 down since our last update.

For our trial overall they are now $82 up. 

You can view full results here.

There are no open positions at the moment and in fact there have only been four trades this month so this trader is a very careful one.

So far that caution is paying off though so we are certainly not complaining.




Zulu Trade – Results Update

5th February 2021

It’s been somewhat of a mixed time for the trader we are copying on Zulu Trade recently, with a profit of $52 made on their closed trades since our last update.

That means they are now $91 up on closed trades for our trial overall.

You can view full results here.

On the open trades (just one trade, in fact) however they are currently $83 down, which almost wipes out all the gains of the closed trades. Obviously that open trade could still turn around and end in profit (or a reduced loss), but it is a bit of a worry nevertheless.

Let’s hope it’s good news on that one by the time of our next update anyway.





Zulu Trade – Results Update

14th January 2021

It’s been a good start to our live trial of copying the trader known as “Chunyffs” on Zulu Trade’s copy trading platform, with a profit of $39 made so far.

You can view full results here.

That is from an initial deposit of $500, so it’s solid growth from only five trades executed so far after a couple of weeks.

Just a reminder that you need to connect an account from one of their chosen brokers to be able to copy the traders on Zulu Trade. We are using FXCM.

We like the selective trading approach of Chunyffs and their tight trading style, so hopefully they stick to that as it has worked very well for them to date.





Zulu Trade – Update

30th December 2020

We have previously taken a look at Zulu Trade’s copy trading platform in demo mode, following a group of six traders.

Unfortunately Zulu Trade only allow you to use a demo account for a limited period though so our trial was somewhat limited.

Having followed one of the traders closely in demo mode for an extended period however, we are happy to now start following them with real money.

Following a trader on Zulu Trade with real money is a little more complicated than we had expected though, as Zulu Trade are not a broker themselves so you have to connect one of their compatible brokers to your Zulu account.

We chose FXCM as that executes the trades automatically without you having to install and run MT4 separately.

To get set up you have to connect your FXCM account to Zulu Trade, fill out an application form, deposit funds and then you are good to go.

Anyway, the trader we have chosen to follow is Chunyffs333 as we have been very impressed by his live trading record on Zulu Trade.  A total profit of 6,819 pips with a win rate of 80% across 440 trades are very good stats and we like the cautious approach outlined in their profile of building profit gradually over the long term rather than seeking instant riches.

So we will launch a live review today of Chunyffs on Zulu Trade and will report back soon on how things are going.

In the meantime you can check out Zulu Trade for yourself here.





Zulu Trade – Results Update

19th July 2020

Unfortunately our demo account with Zulu Trade expired, as it seems they only let you have a demo account for a short period.

However, before expiring our account was $258 in profit from following our six traders, which is pretty decent.

We have managed to open a new demo account so can keep following the same traders and hopefully the profits will resume aswell.

Just a reminder that the six traders are:

  • chunyffs333
  • FrigoRifer
  • Gervaise
  • Safe Trading79
  • True Range

So far Chunyffs has been the most consistent whilst the others have been quite volatile.

We will continue tracking results and have a more detailed breakdown in our next update.




Zulu Trade – Results Update

14th June 2020

It’s been a nice turnaround for the traders we are following on social trading platform Zulu Trade, with a profit of $276 made since our last update.

That means they are now $174 up for our trial overall.

You can view full results here.

It is worth noting though that the open positions are currently $69 down, so hopefully those can turn around and not make a dent in the overall profit.

It’s good to see all of the traders we are following either in profit now or only very slightly down. In particular Gervaise has come back from $130 down to $108 up.

Let’s hope the positive trend continues for all the traders.





Zulu Trade – Results Update

14th May 2020

It’s been a rocky start to our trial of social trading platform Zulu Trade. The platform itself is very nice and easy to use but the traders we have been following haven’ been doing very well so far.

As mentioned below, at the outset we decided to follow five traders who had strong, consistent records. Collectively so far however they are $102 down. 

You can view full results here.

Most of the losses to date are down to just one trader however, Gervaise, who is having a bit of a nightmare and is $130 down. The others aren’t doing too badly and in fact Safe Trading79 is $44 up.

Overall though the loss represents a small percentage of our starting capital of $5,000 so is nothing to be concerned about. Fortunately we are just testing in demo mode as well so no harm has been done.

Anyway, let’s hope for more positive news by the time of our next update, particularly from Gervaise!





Zulu Trade – New Review

26th April 2020

Today we are starting a new review of a trade-copying service called Zulu Trade.

Trade-copying services have become quite familiar in recent times with a number of websites offering such services and it is a smart concept. After all, if a professional trader wants to offer their services for people to copy, it can be a win-win for everyone. They get to make additional profits without having to do much extra work whilst lots of followers who might lose money when trading themselves get the chance to follow a professional and potentially make some profit.

For the customer it also has the potential to be a form of passive income, as all you need to do is set up your account, choose who to follow, deposit the necessary funds and then off you go. No need to spend hours sat in front of your computer looking at charts, studying indicators and so on. Let the professionals do all the hard work whilst you go out and enjoy your day!

Zulu Trade itself is a nice-looking platform with a large number of traders to choose from. As well selecting traders individually, you can also follow “combos,” which are groups of traders selected by Zulu Trade based on certain criteria including risk appetite and success rates.

As well as being able to follow forex traders there are also crypto traders you can copy, although having looked through the list, their results do not look as impressive as the forex traders so we will leave them out for the time being.

For the purposes of this review we have opened a demo account and are following five forex traders. They are:-

  • chunfyffs333
  • FrigoRifer
  • Gervaise
  • Safe Trading79
  • True Range

We have allocated £1,000 to each trader which is above the minimum amount recommended for each one, so hopefully those amounts will be sufficient to maintain our bank throughout the trial.

It will be interesting to see how they all get on under live trial conditions and given all the volatility in the market at the moment. All results will be tracked here so you can see the performance of our selected traders throughout the trial.

In the meantime you can check out Zulu Trade for yourself here.  



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